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Probiotics: Good microbes are in hot demand
Roommate Wanted FREE! / SHARED SPACE – LUXURY DWELLING 2.5 FEET FROM THE OROPHARYNX! The Dwelling: 20 feet of shared living space is...
Lower Back Pain
Broke your back while attempting the wheel pose? Here are some things you can do before you see your doctor. So in the process of...
Intermittent Fasting
Don't be hangry. Good things come to those who wait. For those of us who are trying to slim down, the idea of intermittent fasting for...
Mediterranean Diet
Don't call it a diet When friends declare, “I’m going on a diet” we respond with equal parts excitement and fear. To hear, “I’m going on...
Stress Incontinence
Are you a great multitasker? Here are some ways to stop. We've endured over 8 hours of labor. And should the passage of time allow us to...
Cognitive Distortions
Oh the ways our mind can play tricks on us... There’s a reason why some movie horror scenes take place in funhouse mirrors: the visual...
Stinky feet
<<Sniff>> What's that smell?!! You may be wondering if that person who entered the room just had a grand ol’ time in a mosh pit of...
The unibrow
Powerful. Mesmerizing. Uniquely unibrowed. The unibrow. Frida Kahlo made it a statement of confidence and power. Synophrys has been a...
Celiac disease
Are you part of the 1 percent club? Well, to be fair, celiac disease occurs in 1 to 2 percent of the population. In addition to having...
Breath not smelling like flowers? Ever since the first flavored chewing gum was created in the 1860s by John Colgan, gum makers have...
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